
 As we are now drawing nearer to the end, I will conclude on my theme creolization. I will talk about how creolization is seen in the Spanish Caribbean. An example that the lecture readings talk about in the Spanish Portfolio from Puerto Rico is the instruments used to play this 'music'. The instrument below is called the marimbula. This Marimbula was used as an Antillean modification of the African Lamellaphone, serves as a bass instrument during many popular festivities involving music. 


The above video shows how the marimbula is supposed to be played and what it sounds like. I like this instrument because the design almost looks like a face and the sound it makes is pretty cool.

Another example of this theme can be found in the form of religion. 

The Rosario Cantao is Puerto Rico's Rosery. The rosery symbolization is done when families or 
neighbors gather around and observe for the purpose of redeeming a 
vow made to a saint.
I chose this video because it shows everyone gathered in one spot singing in front of the religious symbols. I find it amusing to learn about all the different ways different Caribbean countries do things.



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